$100M Sustainable Ecosystem Fund Technology (Aims to support the growth of decentralized machine) Launched by IoTeX Foundation With Extra Security Benefits

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Latest Partnership: IoTeX Ecosystem Stays Ahead on Security

We hope you’re having a great summer, getting outdoors, spending time with friends and family, and, most of all, staying healthy. There’s so much going on at IoTeX. Much is not yet visible but will bear fruit shortly. (underpromise and overdeliver.) Raullen said it best:

IoTeX x Hacken Partner to Provide Cybersecurity for Ecosystem

IoTeX has entered into a partnership with Hacken, a cybersecurity company with a primary focus on blockchain security. This will add an additional layer of security to both IoTeX and to the project building on the IoTeX platform. Hacken’s client list includes some of the most well-known and respected names in the blockchain industry. This is a big win for the community. Read the full blog here.

IoTeX Mainnet v1.8 Release Announcement

With the release of Mainnet v1.8, IoTeX continues to advance what is possible on an EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain. This is groundbreaking – for the first time people will be able to stake their IOTX tokens from within MetaMask, Trust Wallet, or any other Web3 compliant wallet. V1.8 is a “hard-fork” of the current protocol activated at block 17,662,681 (approximately 05/30/2022 11 pm UTC).

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